Wavelet Coherence FAQ
I have written a new FAQ for the Crosswavelet and Wavelet Coherence matlab package. At the moment the questions answered are:
This page is not up-to-date….
- How do I know whether AR1 noise is an appropriate null hypothesis to test against?
- When is the probability distribution of the data important?
- How important is the AR1 coefficient for WTC significance levels?
- What does a peak in XWT tell?
- How should the phase arrows be interpreted?
- How do I convert a phase-angle to a time lag?
- How do I calculate the average phase angle?
- How do I determine if a point is inside the COI or not?
- How do I avoid the slow Monte Carlo significance test in wtc?
- How do I change the Y-axis to frequency instead of period?
- Why is something missing from my figures on screen or when I try to save them?
I hope you will find it useful.