Here’s what i did (so far):

Install linux in a virtualbox. This is where i want to have my GAMIT installation.

inside ubuntu do the following:

  • Get GAMIT sources from MIT (you have to check here on how to get access)
  • Install dependencies
    • sudo apt-get -y update
    • sudo apt-get -y upgrade
    • sudo apt-get -y install build-essential #will install gcc and g++ and gnu-make
    • sudo apt-get -y install gfortran
    • sudo apt-get -y install csh
    • sudo apt-get -y install tcsh
    • sudo apt-get -y install libx11-dev
  • go to the directory where the source files are located. in my case “~/gg” and execute:
    • chmod +x install_software
    • ./install_software
  • This extracted all the tar files, but eventually failed for me with an error referring to OS_ID.
  • I then edited ~/gg/gamit/Makefile.config
    • The line where it says “OS_ID Linux 0001 3000” i changed to “OS_ID Linux 0001 4000”
    • If your OS is newer than mine, then you might have to make this number even higher.
    • I also modified it to say “X11LIBPATH /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu” up in the top somewhere.
  • I then executed the ./install_software again, and it seems to be working as it is currently compiling lots of stuff

Additional installs:

Success. And finally the install script gave these instructions:

also ~/gg needs to be linked the gamit.

You also need to set up the paths in your .cshrc & .bashrc files

Create the gg link in your home directory to the version of

gamit/globk you just installed ? (y/n)

add this to .bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/gg/com:/gg/gamit/bin:~/gg/kf/bin

add this to .cshrc (but replace XYZ with a 3-letter abbrev. for your institute.)

setenv HELP_DIR ~/gg/help/


set path =  ($path ~/gg/gamit/bin ~/gg/kf/bin ~/gg/com)

Track still does not work for me. It just says “KILLED”. My current theory is that it is due to not enough mem during compile time. Will try to recompile with more memory.

UPDATE: track works after a recompile with more memory to the virtual machine.

I also found these instructions in chinese (use google translate)

One more link.