Ice model emulator
Realistic ice sheet models are computationally expensive to run. This is a challenge if we want to characterize the full uncertainty for sea level projections.
Dec 12, 2024Realistic ice sheet models are computationally expensive to run. This is a challenge if we want to characterize the full uncertainty for sea level projections.
Dec 12, 2024Ice streams can display oscillatory and even chaotic behaviour. How does the state of ice streams influence the predictability of the ice sheet response to anthropogenic forcing?
Nov 17, 2024Grains of dust in an ice core illustrate how fast a landscape is covered with ice after an ice age sets in.
Jul 1, 2018Take away message: The graph on the right shows that AR5 process based ice sheet projections are optimistic and over confident when compared to views of ice sheet experts. To be fair they do mention a …
Oct 8, 2015There are several lines of evidence pointing to a WAIS collapse during the last interglacial (MIS 5 / Eemian).
Oct 17, 2013We examine the relationship between 50-year-long records of global sea level (GSL) calculated from 1023 tide gauge stations and global ocean heat content (GOHC), glacier and ice sheet melting. The …
Apr 28, 2008