More and Stronger Hurricane surges
Here is an illustration which may help to interpret changes in return period/return magnitude plots.
Sep 30, 2015Here is an illustration which may help to interpret changes in return period/return magnitude plots.
Sep 30, 2015Jens Morten Hansen (JMH) and co-authors have recently published a study where they use sine-regression to fit 5 oscillations plus a linear trend to a 160-year sea level record from waters near Denmark …
Sep 25, 2015I have downloaded the ICAT damage estimates of normalized hurricane damages(/losses) and looked at the trends in the data. This series is often used to argue that there is no significant trend in …
Nov 20, 2013Before we can trust the projected models of sea level rise then it is reasonable to demand that these models can match the record of global mean sea level rise. Gregory et al. (2012) writes: …
Nov 20, 2013Well, it is more likely than it decreased the odds.
Jul 30, 2013Greenhouse gases is warming the world and this will lead to more frequent heat waves all else being equal. You might naively think that this increase in extreme warm spells will be compensated by an …
Jun 24, 2012Jevrejeva, S., J. C. Moore, and A. Grinsted (2003), Influence of the Arctic Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on ice conditions in the Baltic Sea: The wavelet approach, J. Geophys. …
Dec 24, 2003