The units of ACE are simply wrong
The definition of Accumulated Cyclone Energy does not make sense.
Sep 11, 2013The definition of Accumulated Cyclone Energy does not make sense.
Sep 11, 2013There is no good way to download the entire GDEM dataset. It is just lots of manual work. I assume it is because of datavolume that they put artificial restrictions amd annoying hindrances in place.
Aug 10, 2013It would be nice to have a simple doi-like way of citing CMIP6 datasets and this is being discussed today on twitter. I have not been involved in the discussion before, so I have no idea if my ideas …
Aug 10, 2013… away from the sun. I believe that there is a real risk/possibility that at some point humans will attempt some form of geo-engineering to deal with climate change.
Aug 1, 2013There has been a lot of blogging about yamal. Some of it concerns if RCS introduces spurious signals. It is clear that it is very important to try to get an unbiased estimate of the growth curve.
Jul 30, 2013This a quick look at a run from the CMIP5 archive from a model with low sensitivity.
Jul 30, 2013A new paper is out in AJCC which finds a long-term increase of cyclones of the Mascarene Islands based on historical records (Garnier and Desarthe, 2013).
Jul 30, 2013Well, it is more likely than it decreased the odds.
Jul 30, 2013This page may be a bit outdated. Look here for my comments on three more recent papers.
Jul 19, 2013I just became aware of a cartoon with my name “Aslak” (h/t PiM). It looks awesome.
Jul 8, 2013I very often want to make a google scholar search using exactly the same search terms that i just had in google. For that i have used the Scholarfy bookmarklet (highly recommended). I have updated it …
Jun 10, 2013Controversy exists over the role of the recent rise in sea surface temperatures (SST) and the frequency of tropical cyclones or hurricanes. Here, 135 yr of observational records are used to …
Jun 7, 2013