A workflow for video presentations
Video presentations are a powerful way of getting your science across to a wider audience. I recently published a scientific study on some very large Jökulhlaup in East Greenland. I wanted to have a …
Sep 6, 2017Video presentations are a powerful way of getting your science across to a wider audience. I recently published a scientific study on some very large Jökulhlaup in East Greenland. I wanted to have a …
Sep 6, 2017This site is now created using a static site generator called hugo. I host it on netlify, and the source files are hosted on github. This is a nice setup for academics. So thumbs up from me.
Sep 6, 2017We report evidence of four cycles of outburst floods from Catalina Lake, an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland, identified in satellite imagery between 1966–2016. The lake measures 20–25 km2, and lake …
Sep 6, 2017The seasonal response to surface melting of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream outlets, Zachariae and 79N, is investigated using new highly temporally resolved surface velocity maps for 2016 combined …
Sep 1, 2017Two degrees of global warming above the preindustrial level is widely suggested as an appropriate threshold beyond which climate change risks become unacceptably high. This “2°C” threshold is likely …
Dec 12, 2016This summer I’ve been doing fieldwork at Eastgrip, doing a GPS survey of a stake strain network, and mapping the surroundings with a fixed wing drone. But I also found some time to compose a …
Aug 11, 2016I am working with satellite imagery in Matlab. This is way too much data for me to keep on my laptop, and so I keep it on a server somewhere. But this has the major drawback that I cannot as easily …
May 29, 2016It is difficult to pick a password manager. After many considerations I eventually decided on a keepass2 database. It is a difficult decision because you have to place quite a lot of trust in the …
Apr 7, 2016I recently migrated from google sites to wordpress. There is lots to like about google sites (high uptime, zero maintenance), and I have been quite happy there.
Mar 16, 2016We may be committing ourselves to an eventual complete deglaciation of Earth in a business-as-usual scenario (ECP8.5). The sea level rise from a complete deglaciation would wipe my own country, …
Mar 15, 2016Ritz et al. (2015) have a recent model study of potential sea level rise from Antarctic marine ice sheet instability.
Dec 15, 2015Devastating floods due to Atlantic hurricanes are relatively rare events. However, the frequency of the most intense storms is likely to increase with rises in sea surface temperatures. Geoengineering …
Dec 12, 2015